Contact / submissions

Contact / submissions

You are at  We're always delighted to hear from people.  The more friends and partnerships, the better.   

-Write us at Spectrum Press, 3231 Kingsway, Vancouver, B.C., V5R 5K3
-Call us at 604-323-1433
-Email us at and if the email is for someone specific we'll make sure it gets to them. 
-tweet us @101friendsbc for Spectrum Press, @SSCLSpectrum for Spectrum Society, @imagineacircle (for Aaron), @ejbaatz (for Ernie)
-on Facebook search for "Spectrum Press: books and media by, for and about people you care about" and "Spectrum Society"
-on LinkdIn search for "Spectrum Society" and/or Aaron Johannes and/or Ernie Baatz
-our main agency website is and our newsletters/blogs can also be accessed from there and from 
We'd love to read what you've written or see what you've done. Please send by email only and make sure you keep the original. Only submissions by email will be read.  
We are currently thinking about our next calls for submissions, and future calls will be posted here and on our Spectrum Press blog and on our blog/newsletter. To access the either blog, click on the links at the top of this page.