From Institutions to Individuals: On Becoming Person- Centred is an anthology of selected writings, conversations and interviews by, for and about people with intellectual disabilities and those who care about them.
Half a century after beginning a profound return to their communities, our supports to people with disabilities have never been better poised to generate passionate, hopeful dialogue. Sixteen voices are gathered here to demonstrate the wonderfully engaged and engaging discussion that is taking place all around the world.
The authors invite you to sit by their fire, as David Pitonyak gathers wood, Norman Kunc refutes the ability of a washing machine to bake a cake after all, Michael Kendrick articulates the power of struggle, Paul Young discusses the "cocoon of impossibility" of traditional services and Susan Stanfield renders a changing dynamic.
This anthology is about leadership of all kinds -- from the front of the room to that of parents dreaming and manifesting bigger dreams.
A gathering of some of the most passionate and significant voices in what is perhaps the most interesting and challenging civil rights movement of our times.
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